Product Description
The recorder/controller offers the ultimate in graphical recording combined with PID control. It has four highly accurate universal inputs for data recording and PID control. This secure data-recording device with accurate control is enhanced by a full colour, ¼ VGA display to bring a crystal clear operator interface. The 3.5 TFT display offers incredibly clear visualisation of process parameters with a wide selection of configurable views to best suit the application. Views include: horizontal and vertical trends; horizontal and vertical bar graphs; numeric; alarm panel, alarm status, and control loops. The unit also provides user wiring from the front of the unit for detailed configuration without the need to connect to a PC.
PID Control Loops functionality includes one of the best auto-tune facilities available along with overshoot inhibition (cutbacks) and also provides remote access to a further 100 programs that can be easily retrieved via FTP or USB memory stick. The recording functionality utilises the secure strategies and UHH format As well as having multiple real-time views and historical data review on the unit, multiple data archiving strategies are provided utilising the 50MB on-board flash memory, removable USB and data transfer via FTP to a specified server.
The four universal input channels provide a high accuracy and 125ms parallel sampling. An additional 30 virtual channels can be utilised to provide maths, counter, slave communications and totalizer functionality within the instrument.
The unit can be used to control the PCT-100 for Flow, Level and Pressure through the “D” connector fitted. PCT-PIDHM if an informative and intuitive control device that allows the student, through its graphical representation, to easily see the control procedure being implemented.
The device has four universal inputs, two digital inputs and three relay outputs.